● collective exhibition
Science and Art bring back to life the dominators of a lost world
March 1, 2011 -May 31, 2011
URBAN CENTER via Scalabrini 107 PIACENZA
Edited by:
Simone Maganuco (paleontologist, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano)
Stefania Nosotti (paleontologist, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano)
Under the patronage of:
Comune di Sarmato
Provincia di Piacenza
Museo geologico Giovanni Capellini
Societą Italiana di Scienze Naturali
Societą Piacentina di Scienze NaturaliSocietą Piacentina di Scienze Naturali
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Universitą degli Studi di Firenze
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico Ambientali
dell’Universitą degli Studi di Bologna

● collective exhibition
Indecent Flora. Flowers erotism
Suggestions in the vision of seven botanical artists
Chiesa dell'Angelo, Lodi
May from 9 to 17, 2009
edited by Lia Brambilla

● personal exhibition
"Acquarelli capresi" (Watercolors from Capri)
La Conchiglia Bookshop, Capri, Italy 2005

● collective exhibition
Animal Shapes – Warning colours
Provincial Multipurpose Hall, Chiostro of St. Mary in Collemaggio, L’Aquila, Italy
April to May 2004.
Edited by Sonia di Michele and
Massimo dell’Agata (University of L’Aquila)
Exhibition promoted by the Environmental Education Degree Course,
Faculty of Formative Sciences, University of L’Aquila; sponsored
by Abruzzi Region; L’Aquila Province; Abruzzi, Lazio and Molise
National Park; Carispaq; Commerce Chamber and Municipality of L’Aquila.

● personal exhibition
“Il Fuoco della Vista (Vision’s Focus)” Massimo Demma, Naturalistic Drawings
Como, Chiostrino of Saint Eufemia, 1. October 31, 2003.
Edited by Sara Calabró.
Sponsored by: Municipality of Como; Council of Culture of Lombardy;
Civic Museum of Natural History of Milan; Didactic Museum of Zoology,
Biology Department of the University of Milan.
“In these plates, realized with astonishing technique, there is an extreme thoughtfulness about minutiae. All is absolutely analytical, there is nothing “impressionistic.” However, miraculously—I would say—besides the care
for the details, the objects of the drawings impose themselves with stronger impact than a photography."
Claudio Longo)

● collective exhibition
"La natura in punta di pennello (Nature on the Tip of a Brush)"
G. Doria Natural History Museum
Genoa, Italy. October 2001 to January 2002.
Edited by:
-Council of Culture, Genoa
-G. Doria Natural History Museum
-Alpan (Naturalistic Art Italian Association)
-Friends of the Genoa Aquarium Association
-Friends of the G. Doria Natural History Museum Association

● collective exhibition
On the occasion of the international conference on scientific illustration
Sagres, Portugal, August 2000
Edited by:
Guild of Natural Sciences Illustrators
-special mention-

● collective exhibition
"Il segno e la mano (The sign and the hand)"
Artistic Lyceum Umberto Boccioni, Milan
April 2000

● collective exhibition
Didactic Museum of Zoology,
Biology Department of the University of Milan.
With the cooperation of Dr. Franca Guidali
Various exhibitions concerned with naturalism, together with
Franco Testa

● collective exhibition
“Mostri in mostra: mostri acquatici tra fantasia e realtą
(Exhibiting Monsters: Marine Monsters between Fantasy and Reality)”
Civic Aquarium of Milan, Spring 1999
Edited by Verdeacqua
Exhibiting watercolors on the above theme, together with Daniela Brambilla
Franco Testa

● collective exhibition
"Les Poissons,
Illustrations scientifiques
dessins naturalistes & fantaisies”
An exhibition of scientific, naturalistic and fantastic drawings by illustrators
from all over the world.
Oceanographic Museum, Monaco, Principality of Monaco, June to October 1998
Edited by Franēois-Xavier Bouillon, Franēois Simard and Maurizio Würtz
"…il collabore ą de nombreuses encyclopédies, livres et revues, ainsi qu'avec diverses associations et stations de recherche".
(from the exibition's catalogue)

● collective exhibition
Villa Cicogna Mozzoni
Bisuschio, Varese, Italy. October 1996
Illustrations realized for Gardenia magazine

● collective exhibition
“Non solo pesci – quindici anni di illustrazione naturalistica
(Not Only Fish – fifteen years of naturalistic illustration)”
Civic Aquarium of Milan, 1993